
Indonesia: an impressive economic boom

Indonesia is a young nation having obtained its independence from the Netherlands in 1949. It will be governed for more than thirty years by the dictator Suharto(1). For this country plunged into a serious economic crisis due to the Asian financial crisis of 1997(2), the turning point occurred in 1998. Suharto then left power. He resigned from his post following the Jakarta riots in May of the same year. Many areas had the boost called “DISTRIBUTOR BESI JAKARTA” & local…

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Energy Inflation ? Business expense such as running commercial freezers & fridges

Energy Inflation Introduction: Since 2022, the war in Ukraine has highly affected the cost of living for people but also the cost of running a business in many industries such as the food, manufacturing & high cost  energy business like cloud servers. Food increased by 0.3% over one month, it increased by 13.7% over one year. It is what generates nearly half of global inflation. This upward phase does not seem to have yet to end, with increases that have…

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Analysis of the logistics costs of a warehouse in general

Here are some information on different costs you may face in establishing a new warehouse for your company. As a logistics manager, reducing your operating cost and increasing your profits are among your main goals. In order to optimize your flows, you will need to identify and reduce your main logistics costs, including those related to the transport and storage of your goods. In this article we will first introduce you to the main logistics costs, and then we will…

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What is the average salary of a life coach?

Life Coaches Wages Read the article to find out what is the average salary of a life coach? When it comes to being a life coach, the life coach wage is usually not the main motivation. We all have to earn a living. When it comes to any career, it’s important that we know how much we’ll earn. Life coaches work with a one-on-one client to develop personal growth, set goals and change behaviors. Based on the assumption that each person…

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Agence SEO Paris

Agence SEO Paris Je m’appelle Michael Kazet et je suis le fondateur de Paradox Agence SEO Paris Solutions. En tant que consultant en marketing et Google, je travail avec des centaines de clients a travers le monde et je travail avec d’autre professionel du marketing numérique, je n’ai que quelques questions à poser à tous ceux qui recherchent des résultats grâce à un investissement réalisé avec Search Engine Optimization. Voulez-vous un avantage concurrentiel sur Internet? Cherchez-vous à générer un revenu…

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12 Tips to Start Your Own Company

Having your own company certainly makes you feel great and it gives you the opportunity to pursue your passion while still enjoying a great work life. However, if you are planning to set up your business for the very first time, there must be so many questions running in your mind like how to start a company, what kind of registration is needed, how to determine the costs, and so on. So, to make things easier for you and to…

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What Is Financial Freedom and How to Achieve It

Most people may have different perspectives of financial freedom; however, the concept of being financially free is almost similar. Introduction When one has a significant amount of savings or income, it means that this person does not need to struggle to meet month’s end. And when a person who can live comfortably with the ability to sustain or maintain his/her lifestyle without any financial worries and he/she does not need to work that much, this is what I called Financial…

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Vtech toys – One of the fastest growing toys company in the world

VTech is the world’s number one supplier of electronic learning toys, for kids between infancy through to toddlers, and preschools in the U.S and the world at large. Having shipped 63 million products to 92 countries around the world, in 31 languages in the 2017 financial year, VTech has become the most sought-after contract manufacturing service in the world. They combine proven technology with creativity to develop products that drive up the company’s growth. Established in 1976, VTech has been…

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Economics of charitable giving

The Types of Giving To Charity There are numerous charities dedicated to making the lives of the needy in the community better through different projects. The most common projects organized by the organizations include medical camps which deal with sight related issues, artificial limb projects and even projects that mainly deal with justify lip surgery a problem that is common in children. The organizations not only deal in the medical camps as they also come up with projects meant to…

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$1 Billion for George Clooney Tequila? What Else?

We all know George Clooney the gorgeous Hollywood star. You may also know of the tequila brand he begun in 2013 with friends Mike Meldan and Rande Gerber. What you may not know is that the business that is barely five years old has been sold for a whopping $1 billion in a recent deal. The initial $700 million will be paid in cash upfront whereas the remaining $300 million will be paid within the next 10 years if the…

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