No matter in which section of the world you live, religion and traditions are something that walks all the way long with you. There are many religions practiced in the entire world. Whereas some sounds to be a fun to witness, others may make you feel restricted.

The actual concept of conducting religious practices is not a compulsion but a hierarchal process which almost every country and family follows. Though the young lads of the present generation aren’t much under its influence but our forefathers have given and taught us so much to practice and include in our lives.

Just like any other, Islamic religion also practices something unique that can be devoted to the almighty. Zakat is one such ritual practice. In case, you are not familiar with Zakat, here is all that you need to know about it.

What is Zakat donation?

Zakat is a compulsory ritual where an Islamic individual is required to give a share of his/ her property or wealth to charity. According to Islamic traditions, it is considered to be a self-purification act where you learn to share your wealth with those who are needy. Many Islamic priests call it an act of attaining eternal peace and satisfaction of mind.

Keeping in mind the capabilities and intensity of pursuing rituals of each and every individual, there are different forms of Zakat.

  1. Recommended Zakat – Under this one, an individual has all the liberty to donate grain, sheep, goat, camel, silver or gold. The quantity and type is something that completely depends on one’s potential and willingness.
  1. Obligatory Zakat – The options or types mentioned in recommended Zakat can be omitted for once but obligatory Zakat is a must to be practiced at least once in a lifetime. Here, one can donate either wealth or body (often called as Fitra). Amidst all, Fitra is considered to be the most noteworthy contribution toward Allah.

Now, the question arises, how one can calculate the exact amount or quantity to be given as Zakat? Let’s figure out questions to the same.

How is Zakat calculated?

Usually, to come up with a certain amount, people go for using Zakat calculator and process. There is a particular procedure to calculate the same which starts with-

  1. Start with calculating nisab which is your own personal wealth.
  1. Check the exact amount of silver/gold you have with you.
  1. Analyze and compare the apt amount of nisab and assets and then figure out a neutral value out of the same.
  1. Lastly, you are required to come up with one-fourth amount of the same.

Many people are in the misconception that Zakat and tax are similar but it is not. Because the tax is something which comes under government policies but Zakat does not.

The concluding thought-

Keeping aside a certain share of your entire wealth is Zakat which helps one attain mental peace and bliss. Such practices should not be practiced by Islamic culture only but by the entire world to create a huge difference.